Pangasius, a type of white fish known for its delicate flavor, pairs wonderfully with the sweet and slightly tangy profile of capsicums.
Pangasius, a type of white fish known for its delicate flavor, pairs wonderfully with the sweet and slightly tangy profile of capsicums. A popular way to enjoy this combination is by creating skewers that are perfect for grilling or frying. To prepare, one can marinate bite-sized pangasius pieces in lemon juice, seasoned with salt and pepper, and then thread them onto skewers alternating with chunks of colorful capsicums. For an extra crunchy texture, a tempura batter made from flour and sparkling water can be used to coat the skewers before frying them to golden perfection. These skewers make a delightful main course or can be served as part of a tapas selection, offering a light yet satisfying option that is sure to please a variety of palates.